Sunday, December 6, 2009


My mom and I have been through everything together. We have experienced so many things throughout my 24 for years of life and I appreciate her so much for all that she has taught me. When I was born, my father was a very abusive husband and father. My mom and I were beat and yelled at constantly by my dad and we ran away from home nearly 15 or more times. I won't get into the details but we lived a very fearful life until I was about ten years old. My mom finally couldn't deal with it any longer, gained some courage and left my father for good.

It's typical in Asian families for the children to stay home with their parents until they are married and the life that my mom and I have been throughout has given us even more reason to stick together all this time. My mom has had a rough life and has never truly experienced love and appreciation from a man. Recently, she finally met someone that treats her like a queen and genuinely shows that he cares. He lives in Indiana though and I believe that not too long from now, she will end up moving to be with him.

My mom has always been by my side my entire life and I know she is so afraid to leave me to live my own life by myself here in Michigan with no family and a small group of best friends. I am definitely ready to be on my own and let my mom go off to pursue a life of happiness because she deserves it more than anyone I know. It will be an enormous change for the both of us but I feel like it is necessary and will only spark and exciting new time for me and her.

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