Sunday, December 6, 2009


I have been working my butt off this semester and it has definitely taken its toll on me. I have been at Wayne State for six years now and I feel like because I dragged myself through school for this long, I've lost a little bit of my ability to focus and push myself with homework and studying. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of my classes but I think I overloaded myself this semester with 17 credits. I know plenty of people take that many or more sometimes but I don't think I should have made myself one of them this semester.

I have about a year or so left and I just need to get myself through it the best I can so I can breathe. For years, I couldn't figure out a major that I knew I'd be passionate about. I was pursuing security instead of passion. Finally, last year, I decided to go after something that I knew I had loved for years and that was my interest in film. Taking film classes for the past year has been so much fun and I feel more motivated to do the work that I need to do. But, there have definitely been some road blocks in the way still and I need to get through them. Most of these are personal mental obstacles I need to beat and force myself to keep the end in mind. One of my favorite quotes by Einstein sums up where I was to where I am now,

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking
we were at when we created them."

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